February 1997

Lady Bird Johnson Grove with Forget-Me-Not Essence:

I was very impatient with the watercolor I did using the forget- me - not. I wanted to be done and move on to the next one but the forget - me - not essences would have none of that. It was clear from the beginning that the pigment would not travel very far on the paper which had been soaked with the essence of forget-me-not. The pigments stood fast under the pressure of the brush. When I thought I was done with the image, the forget-me-not essence "called" me back again and again to add detail and observe more. Finally, it was done but I will never forget being called back to finish, again and again.

In 1969, a 300 acre old -growth redwood grove within the new Redwood National Park was named for the former First Lady to honor her leadership in conservation and beautification of our Country's landscape. "One of the most unforgettable memories of the past years is walking through the Redwoods - seeing the lovely shafts of light filtering through the trees so far above, feeling the majesty and silence of that forest, and watching a salmon rising in one of those swift streams - all our problems seemed to fall into perspective and I think every one of us walked out more serene and happier." Lady Bird Johnson

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